Our smartphones are not only our constant companions but also home to the vast majority of our photos. Many smartphone manufacturers have shifted their main focus on the improvement of the camera capabilities of our digital companions. That’s because besides texting and social media, that’s what phones are primarily used for nowadays. Family holidays, daily life, and even food are photographed and the pictures are stored on the device, online storage spaces, and and the like. In no time at all, pictures are spread all over the place and finding something specific in your media gallery becomes an impossible task. There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. Here are some tips for clearing out the clutter and making the most of those pictures.
Organisation Apps
If you want to organise all of your photos in order to quick access the right photos at any time, you might need to invest a little time to get it right. There are some good apps available to help you get started, but a lot of the work will have to be manual. The ultimate goal is creating folders specific to topics such as travel locations, celebrations, and the like to make it easy to find everything you’re looking for at a glance instead of searching for photos by scrolling through years of pictures. One of the best features these photo organising apps can offer is tagging. When you use an app like “Foto Gallery”, you can assign tags to your photos which then makes it easier to find them in a word search.
Online storage
Speaking about word searches, one must mention . Using this online storage space for your photos means you’ll have an integrated search functionality from the get-go. And we all know how good Google is when it comes to searching. The cloud storage uses the metadata from your photos to help you find them by date, location, and often even content. As such, you can search for “food” and you will find a collection of all your pictures of food. Depending on the resolution of your photos, the space freely available is actually unlimited. Otherwise, just like Dropbox and iCloud, you have a specific amount of free storage space to use. The benefit of any online storage is that you have everything centralised and easily accessible from anywhere at any time.
Photo products
Of course, having gone through your photos, you may find yourself inspired to do something with them other than sharing them on social media. There’s always the classic photo book, wall decorations, and also fun products such as puzzles, smartphone covers, pillow cases, and more you can use your photos for. Especially for photo books, it is always worth checking for deals to save on the price of the product. As with most things, you can find apps for all the popular services so you can use the photos you have on your phone as well as social media and cloud storage spaces. With Christmas coming up and the search for presents for any occasion becoming more and more difficult every year, photo products might just be the answer to your prayers.
When you look through your pictures, you will probably notice quite a few duplicates. After all, in order to get a photo right, you want to take a few pictures in succession. While the likelihood of a good shot goes up, so does the quantity of unneeded photos. There are apps such as “Duplicate photos fixer” that make it easy to remove unwanted duplicate photos without having to search your phone manually to find similar images.
At the end of the day, clearing the clutter on your phone will save you some space, get you organised, and give you a chance to have a look at old memories. Maybe you’ll even find some long-lost favourites that could become fantastic decorations and gifts for friends and family. It’s also a good idea to start a project like this when you get a new phone before you transfer your data from one to the other. That way, you can start fresh with a well-organised phone.
I'm Nancy, live is Gavá, Cataluna, Spain. I am a passionate tech blogger and a professional electrical engineer. We are professional helpers. Basically, we blog about the solutions of frequently asked questions. You can contact us on the below-provided information, You ask about whatever problems you’re facing and we will reach out to you and answer your queries through further blogs.
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