If you are about to create an eBook, you should know some relevant facts. We assume that you know which topic you’ll cover. It could be your personal experience or something that genuinely interests you. No matter of the subject, the content should be appropriately organized, designed, and promoted. Let’s see how to make all these things possible.
1. Creating
Writing an eBook is an exciting journey. You are entirely into something that occupies you for a long time. It is time to put it on the paper (or in your computer since we live in a digital era). Try to be consistent on this journey. Writing a few pages a day and keeping this habit will make miracles. Page by page and you are on the way to have the full eBook.
Be creative when it comes to a title because this is the first thing your readers see. A strong and direct title will sell your eBook. “How to get a new job in 1 month” or “Care about your diet: It could change your life completely” might be some of the straightforward and completely eye-catching titles. Come up with few titles and choose the one that perfectly describes your idea.
2. Formatting
When it comes to formatting, your style should be simple. Use size font of 14 or 16 for the fonts like Arial, Georgia, or Verdana. Try to maintain only two or three types of headers, while making lots of lists and short paragraphs. Your content should be easy to read as your readers scroll down, so making some smart spaces should be perfect for small pauses between the content.
Enrich the content with relevant images. You can find free choices on Unsplash, Dreamstime or some other royalty-free stock photo platform online. If you have some knowledge of photography, you can also make things yourself and use your DSLR camera to take photos on your own. Make sure to edit your photos in some editing program further.
3. Proofreading
You may overlook this step, but it is incredibly important in eBook creation. We are not error-free writers, and we need some par of eyes that see things we can not see. That’s why hiring a proof-reader or calling your friend who can help you in proofreading might be an option. Spotting that small mistake in style or coherency could make a huge difference in the overall quality.
4. Converting
If you used Word for writing your eBook, there is a simple option of converting the file into a PDF format. Just click on the “File” button and go for “Export as PDF.” After that, choose your preferences about the size, scheme, and style. Many popular platforms, like Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple iBookstore, accept the universal eBook format in the form of ePub. At the same time, Amazon Kindle goes with the MOBI file format. It is good to have your eBook or digital booklet in these three formats (PDF, ePub, and MOBI) so you can promote your work on all of the platforms. If you want to get your ebook as a physical booklet you can also print it. To find out about the pricing for the printing you can contact Print In London who offer same day booklet printing London.
5. Promoting
You have just created an eBook that tells your own story in the best way. It’s time to let other people know more about it. Promote your eBook with the same passion you used to write the story because you’ll need a lot of patience and dedication. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and your website landing page and blog are the places to promote your content. You can also print your book and so book opening show. Give your eBook some time to get “alive” on the market. When people start buying it, you will know that you have something that truly affects other people’s lives.
I'm Nancy, live is Gavá, Cataluna, Spain. I am a passionate tech blogger and a professional electrical engineer. We are professional helpers. Basically, we blog about the solutions of frequently asked questions. You can contact us on the below-provided information, You ask about whatever problems you’re facing and we will reach out to you and answer your queries through further blogs.