The internet is the greatest invention of all times, and a place where everybody can do what they like. Unfortunately, many people try to take advantage of others’ lack of knowledge when it comes to cybersecurity. If you don’t protect your computer and network – you’re an easy target. Consequences of a poorly secured network might be really harmful, and getting hacked is something that you want to avoid at all costs. But, if you implement a few simple methods, they will allow you to stay safe on the internet.
Change The Name Of Your Service Set Identifier
First things first, start by changing your Wi-Fi network name. Default settings usually contain the name of your router and its type. Therefore, an attacker can find information about specific model weaknesses and use them against you. If you change the Wi-Fi name, it will make things much harder for hackers.
It’s recommended that you create some neutral name that doesn’t contain any information that could be useful for an attacker. Also, don’t provoke and avoid using provocative names, for example, “you can’t hack me.” It is possible to hack anyone, and you don’t want attackers to prove you wrong.
Think Of A Right Password

Once you get a new router, you should change the password as soon as possible after you installed and configured it. It’s one of the biggest mistakes that people make – they stick to the default password, which is a trivial thing to guess for any hacker.
Invent a creative password that no one can guess. The more character it has, the better. Ideally, it should consist of at least 10 characters, including capital and small letters, special characters such as hashtags, quotation marks, or even space. Also, don’t forget to add numbers. One more thing to keep in mind is regular password changes. You should make it harder for attackers. That’s why changing it every few months will significantly decrease the chance of guessing your password. The more complicated it is – the safer you are, so don’t neglect the importance of a strong password.
Get A Virtual Private Network

VPN is a tool that lets you surf on the internet, but it also boosts your privacy significantly. Consider getting a virtual private network, especially if you or your loved ones are using Wi-Fi connections in public places because it prevents hackers from stealing your data using the man-in-the-middle attack method. Also, VPN offers an extra layer of protection, so even if a hacker guesses your password, he still won’t be able to read the information, because VPN encryption prevents him from doing so. The variety of VPN providers is wide. If you don’t know which one you should choose, consider using websites that compare different providers’ pros and cons, for example, vpncompare.co.uk.
Turn Off The Network When You’re Going To Leave
It makes it less likely that you’ll become a hacker’s target. It might be pretty annoying, but you should also do the same thing when you’re not using Wi-Fi for a longer time. This simple method makes it impossible for an attacker to perform any malicious action, while you’re not at home.
Deactivate Remote Access
Your device has to be connected if you want to get access to the router interface. But, some models allow the remote system to connect as well. You don’t want it to be possible, that’s why you should change it – find information about remote access or administration on the internet, as the methods to change it varies, depending on your router type.
Update Your Router Firmware Regularly
In most cases, your router will automatically download every update. However, you should sometimes check for it manually. If there’s an update that is not automatically installed, then you should do it.
If attackers find any vulnerability in the system, they exploit it. When router producers realize that there’s a weakness in their defense systems, they fix it and update a new version. That’s why checking for updates manually now and then might improve your chances of staying safe.
Increase Most Frequently Connected Devices Protection

Last but not least, enhancing router protection is not the only thing that you have to do. Taking care of the safety of the devices that you use the most is just as crucial. Whenever it’s possible, apply the newest updates, that will boost your device security level. Have an antivirus or anti-malware programs. Make sure to scan your computer as often as possible. If it’s possible, have more than one type of protection.
Implement these easy methods to increase your home network safety. Remember that cybercrimes are becoming more and more advanced, and you have to do everything to make sure that you and your family can safely use the internet.
I'm Nancy, live is Gavá, Cataluna, Spain. I am a passionate tech blogger and a professional electrical engineer. We are professional helpers. Basically, we blog about the solutions of frequently asked questions. You can contact us on the below-provided information, You ask about whatever problems you’re facing and we will reach out to you and answer your queries through further blogs.