Whether opening a second location or transferring your existing one, moving to new premises can be a logistical nightmare. It is therefore essential that you plan to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. Here are some things you will need to take care of when moving your business to new premises.
I.T and Comms

It is important that your business can continue to function to some extent whilst the move is taking place. You should have a clear idea of your requirements for phone lines, servers, printers and any other technology that you will be adding or moving. It’s a good idea to have a drawing produced showing phone lines, desk space and such like so there is no dubiety as to what is needed. If you have an I.T department ask them to prepare a programme of works so that everyone knows what is expected and when it’s needed. Moving to a new location is a great time to review your future tech needs ensuring that you are allowing for business growth. It’s also an ideal opportunity to get rid of any existing hardware which is either obsolete or no longer required. Since the implementation of the new GDPR requirements a few years ago, it is even more important that any IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) is dealt with correctly. If you are unsure of what is required, many companies can handle this on your behalf and ensure that everything is done in compliance with external directives.
Keep Customers And Supplier Informed
In advance of your move, make your customers and suppliers aware that you are opening new premises. Before your move send an email providing them with your new details. Send another one once the move has taken place. Add information about the move to your website and, where necessary, post your new details on social media. If your existing phone lines are being cancelled, try and arrange to have the number diverted to a mobile. This should ensure that customers can still get in touch if necessary. Order any new stationery like headed paper or business cards in advance. They can take a few weeks to be printed so it’s better to do this pre-move rather than after the event.
Office Layout And Staffing
Plan your office layout and ensure that you have made provision for adequate desks and chairs for every employee. It’s a good idea to have departments that work together regularly seated together. This can reduce noise levels and make for a more peaceful environment. Once the move is complete, make sure that all staff are aware of where the fire exits are located and where the meeting point is in the event of an emergency. Things might be a bit manic for a few days but if you get all staff on board and ready to help unpack on the day of the move, things should be up and running in no time.
I'm Nancy, live is Gavá, Cataluna, Spain. I am a passionate tech blogger and a professional electrical engineer. We are professional helpers. Basically, we blog about the solutions of frequently asked questions. You can contact us on the below-provided information, You ask about whatever problems you’re facing and we will reach out to you and answer your queries through further blogs.