Write For US

At 99tech.co.uk, we provide our readers with the content on various topics which is not only filled with the latest information but authentic and highly reliable too. If you are interested in collaborating with us then please submit the form below with your idea.

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The topics on technology are up-to-date and contain information about the latest releases, news, and speculations. If you think you are passionate to write about anything related to technology, then you can submit your piece to us. We always welcome writers and freelancers to share whatever bits of information they might have with us!

How can Guest Blogging benefit me?

Whether you are a freelancer, a blogger or a content writer, guest blogging and writing can benefit you in plenty of ways, such as:

  • You can build your portfolio

If you really want to show your worth and potential as a writer, then guest blogging is a way to do so. When you share your written articles on a larger platform, it gives you more attention too. You build your name and your pieces represent you.

  • A chance to improve

The more you write, the more you will have practice. The best way to improve your writing skills is to write more and on different niche. In this way, you will have an experience which always benefits you in the long run.

  • Increase your exposure

When you write for different websites and niche, your experience will improve. You will get more exposure in the field and your name will be synonymous easily.

  • Build your image on Social Media

When you share your article on another website, it will also be shared on their respective social media. By this strategy, your presence is improved socially and it makes it easier for employers and potential clients to approach you.

  • Improve the traffic of your website

Whenever people click on your guest post, it will have a link of your website too. They will click it and be re-directed to your website. In this way, your traffic will improve and you will have more people viewing your website.

Tips to Write a Well-formatted Blog Piece

Now that you have decided to write a guest post, you must know the actionable tips to make your piece stand out from the rest. Sure, you might think writing such a piece will be easy. And so, it really is if you follow  the following tips:

  1. Be creative with your writing style

Over time, it is a good idea to keep on evolving the way you write, the tone and the vocabulary. A good writer is the one who is always changing and moving ahead. You cannot stay stuck up in the same style. Be creative and intelligent. Not only is to attract more readers but it is beneficial for the writer too. Writing in a unique manner will actually make you more interested too so you do not bore out.

  1. Write on Popular Topics

The more you write on popular topics, the more attention you can get of the readers. Do not write on topics that are way too old or no one will read your piece. Just write on something which is latest and viral.

  1. Your title should be attention-grabbing

Your title should act as a magnet to attract readers to click on it and read. Do not use click-baits and use engaging words and lines.

  1. Your content should hook the readers

Similarly, your content should be engaging, set a tone which will make the readers hooked to it.

  1. Use a casual tone in conversation

The more you converse and open up, the more people can actually relate to you. People love reading articles which have a fun and casual tone.

  1. Add relevant research

If you require to add any data, make sure the research is authentic and relevant.

  1. Write original content

Do not spin off or plagiarise any content. Write authentic content and do your research well.

  1. Use relevant keywords

If you have a high word count, add keywords so that ranking of your page will be improved.

  1. Properly format your article

Add points, titles, and spacing accordingly. Make sure text has the same font and size. Avoid using long paragraphs.

  1. Use Pictures where required

Pictures and videos look good in an article but do not add way too much. When you over-do it, it actually becomes difficult to scroll through and find the actual data.

  1. Proof-read before publishing

Before you send your article for review, make sure you proof-read it well. You can also ask anyone else to do so. Check your grammar and spelling errors. Make sure the content is relevant and honest. Do not plagiarise or spin any content.

Guidelines for a Guest Post on 99Tech

On 99Tech, we mainly publish all sorts of articles related to Technology. We only publish articles which are original, authentic and of good quality. After submission, our team will review it and get back to you. Whenever you write to us, please remember:

  1. Use Good Quality images: Please use high quality and clear pictures in PNG, GIF andJPEG format only.
  2. Write proper grammar: Before submitting, please proof-read your article for any spelling or grammatical errors.
  3. Be careful about the word count: We have a limit of 500-2500 words, please adjust your articles accordingly.
  4. Content should be original and relevant: Your article should be original and all information should be relevant
  5. Formatting: Please avoid long paragraphs and add bullets and titles where necessary. The document should be in MS Word or Google Docs format.

Before submitting please make sure your article follows all the relevant guidelines. Proof-read it and send the final copy and the pictures along.

To submit it, please submit the form above. After your submission, our editors will view it and decide whether it is according to our guidelines or not. We will let you know if any feedback is required or not. When your article is approved, we will publish it.

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