Exactly the same question was nagging me when I was planning to sell my Samsung s8 and go for a new mobile phone. I conveyed and discussed in my peer group and also took the help of online research. I was compelled to opt for selling it out for recycling once I got to know about the e-waste dump created from our old gadgets which we just throw it away.
My personal experience was so satisfying not only because of the hassle-free process of selling it but also the emotion my soul observed after contributing to a noble cause of recycling one of the potential threats to the earth.
How You Can Do So?
The selling of used mobile gadgets particularly mobile phones have been so easy and user-friendly that it hardly takes a week to get the amount credited in your bank. Complete online process without any personal meet and yes, I can say technology is contributing towards the betterment of nature.

You can initiate the process through a bit of research regarding the platform you are opting for. Search for the brands that are offering to buy your mobile phone and look after the best deal you are getting after comparing it from a couple of platforms. Don’t just chase after the best deal while this process, you need to be cautious and hence, intense research on the brand is mandatory. Check its credibility, customer support and reviews of course.
How Does This Work?
Generally, the process is in counted steps as below-
1- Create a seller account by registering on the selected platform.
2- Enter the product you looking to sell out
3- Help the platform with the basic condition of the mobile phone and this will give a tentative idea of the deal you would be getting.
4- Once you enter the details of the mobile phone and mailing address, your device will be picked up in a couple of days by the brand.
5- Once the device reaches the center, it goes under a thorough checking and the final amount will be communicated to you.
6- The time you approve the amount, this will be credited in your bank account.

Technology comes with a risk and if you will do even a bit of carelessness, you will either lose the plot or you will not get the best deal. The risks involved in the process are like-
A longer time than expected
Money fraud if the brand is not credible
Not exact the amount committed
Customer support not reliable or reachable or active
Being alert and decisive would be the best skill for this process. Selling your used mobile gadgets is always entertained and respected by industries and the market. The best part which I typically feel is that I am getting paid for a device that was just occupying my shelf space and I have no freaking idea how and what to do?
This is the time to go ahead and sell any of your used mobile gadgets in any condition on any platform of your choice. Don’t forget to share your experience here, this helps to create awareness in the public, which I am trying to do now. I hope this helps us!
I'm Nancy, live is Gavá, Cataluna, Spain. I am a passionate tech blogger and a professional electrical engineer. We are professional helpers. Basically, we blog about the solutions of frequently asked questions. You can contact us on the below-provided information, You ask about whatever problems you’re facing and we will reach out to you and answer your queries through further blogs.
- by Nancy
- by Liza David
- by Nancy